Why Flavored Seltzers Are Taking Over

Why Flavored Seltzers Are Taking Over

No one can deny the rising popularity of flavored seltzers, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic alike. Let’s focus on non-alcoholic flavored seltzers for this article. They are popular for a variety of reasons across many demographics, owing in part to the fact that they are generally lower in sugar than traditional soda products.

A can of Coke, for example, contains 140 calories and 40 grams of sugar. Flavored seltzer, depending on the brand, can have zero calories and zero added sugar. A more health-conscious America is embracing flavored seltzer as a way to get that extra kick in their beverage yet without all that added stuff, like sugar and caffeine.

The non-alcoholic beverages market is expected to reach USD1.3 billion by the year 2030. The reasoning behind this is due to many factors, such as obesity, diabetes and health awareness, changing lifestyles, and more.

So what exactly is seltzer water? It’s basically just water that’s been infused with carbon dioxide gas, which makes it bubbly. Flavored seltzer water is just that – flavors added to improve taste. There are many flavors available to choose from, such as lemon, lime, blackberry, cherry, cranberry, raspberry, blood orange, strawberry, peach and triple berry.

Benefits of Seltzer Water

There are many advantages that come with opting for flavored seltzer water over high-sugar beverages such as traditional sodas or fruit juices.

  • Better Dental Health: Seltzer water is a bit more acidic than regular water, but will not damage tooth enamel. Seltzer water, in fact, is known to be 100 times less damaging to teeth than traditional sodas that contain a lot of sugar – the leading cause of gum disease and tooth decay.
  • Improved Digestive Health: If you have digestive problems, you may have an easier time drinking flavored seltzer. Bubbly water can ease constipation, irritable bowel movements and stomach pain. It can also relieve indigestion.
  • Hydration: Seltzer water can be just as hydrating as still water.
  • Healthier Weight Management: Because it contains little to no sugar and calories, flavored seltzer water is a refreshing replacement for sugary drinks and sodas that can increase the risk of obesity and diabetes. In addition, the hydrating qualities of seltzer can promote healthier weight loss and weight management. Also, research shows that seltzer water makes you feel full, which can reduce the tendency to snack in between meals or overeat.

Get Flavored Seltzers at Beverage Universe at Low Prices

Now that you know the benefits of flavored seltzers, why not pick up a pack or two today? From Boylan to Hal’s NY, in flavors ranging from vanilla cream to lemon and lime, we carry all the most popular brands of non-alcoholic flavored seltzers in 12 or 24 packs. Got more questions? Just call us today. We can answer your questions and help you place an order. 

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