The Best Drinks to Complement Your Springtime Fitness Routine

The Best Drinks to Complement Your Springtime Fitness Routine

With spring right around the corner, many people are deciding to get – and stay – fit. A key to fitness is hydration, so it’s important to choose the right drinks to complement your springtime fitness routine. Here are some suggestions to get you started.

Coconut Water

Coconut water is emerging as a new player in the exercise hydration game. This natural alternative to sports drinks is rich in potassium, sodium, and chloride, with a few carbs thrown in for good measure. Chug coconut water to replenish your fluid levels, as it has just as many benefits as electrolyte-packed sports drinks but is healthier overall.

Energy Drinks

Thanks to their sugar content and stimulants, caffeinated energy drinks may not be the healthiest option to pair with your fitness routine overall, but they can help with quick bursts of energy when needed. You can stay energized longer, which is best for short-burst activities. However, fatigue often occurs once that sugar rush dissipates. Used in moderation, energy drinks can be a decent tool in your fitness arsenal.

Sports Drinks

Sports drinks are often the go-to hydration choice for those who play sports or who work out.  They are filled with carbohydrates, sodium (to help the body retain water), potassium, and amino acids (to enhance muscle recovery). While originally marketed as a way to replenish carbs and electrolytes in high-intensity athletes, many studies show that simple water is best over sugary sports drinks for the average athlete.


Who knew that milk and fitness went hand in hand? The proteins in milk, as well as whey and casein, may help to enhance fluid retention and absorption just like sports drinks. The next time you want to quench your thirst post-workout, you may want to reach for some milk-based protein shakes or a soy alternative. However, milk isn’t for everyone, especially after a tough workout.


Smoothies are extremely versatile and easy to make, making it the ideal snack before or after a workout. Before a workout, go with fast-digesting fruits and low-fat dairy. After a workout, add in some protein, such as nut butters along with some frozen blueberries or bananas.


In the end, the consensus is that simple water is the best way to hydrate during exercise. An ideal choice for hydration, water is easily accessible, it’s thirst quenching, and it is calorie-free. If your fitness routine is less than an hour, stick with water for the best results. After a particularly rigorous and intense workout, try a protein-rich beverage instead or in addition to water.

Beverage Universe the Best Pairings for Your Springtime Fitness Routine

Ready to get in shape this spring? Beverage Universe has all the drinks you need to stay fit, hydrated and happy. Check out our site or call us to place your next order.

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