Which Mom Are You? 5 Fun Types of Moms to Celebrate 2021’s Mothers Day

Which Mom Are You? 5 Fun Types of Moms to Celebrate 2021’s Mothers Day

Which Mom Are You? 5 Fun Types of Moms to Celebrate 2021’s Mothers Day

Every year, on the second Sunday of May we celebrate Mother’s Day- a tradition officially started on May 10, 1908. The holiday was established by Anna Jarvis, who pushed for the celebration in honor of her own mother- the social activist Ann Jarvis. 

Mother’s Day celebrates our mothers’ incredible achievements as life-givers, carers, educators, and champions fully dedicated to the well-being of their families. We salute their strength and resilience in the face of challenges and praise them for the support they give us every single day! 

This year Mother’s day is on May 9, and to celebrate our incredible mothers we’ve created a fun list of 5 types of moms that we know of.

Take a look and share it with your own mom. 

The Water Mom

The water mom is all about keeping her family healthy, happy, and well-hydrated.  The water mom makes sure she carries water wherever she goes and often reminds everyone around to drink water. She’s done her research and created a nourishing and delicious meal plan that suits everyone in the family. The water mom knows everyone’s favorite sport and encourages them to practice it. The water mom family often bonds over outdoor activities like hiking and camping trips. 

The Coffee Mom

The coffee mom loves her coffee in any form- it’s her favorite beverage that gives her energy to push through a busy day.  She’s a true champion- juggling several things at the same time. Nothing can stand in the coffee mom’s way.  She’s running errands, preparing kids’ lunches, and getting ready for an important business meeting, all while enjoying a  cup of coffee. She knows how to get things done and likes to plan everything in advance.

The Tea Mom

The tea mom is calm and collected. She enjoys savoring her favorite beverage- tea alone or in company but always in peace and silence. The tea mom is always cool and deals with life’s challenges with admirable composure. She’s the peace broker in the house, capable to negotiate with even the most unreasonable of toddlers. 

The Soda Mom

The soda mom has a bubbly and mischievous personality. She likes to indulge in a sweet can of soda once in a while. She might be doing so with her family or hiding her little secret and sipping her favorite soda without anyone noticing. She’s the type of person that likes to play pranks on her family and keep it fun and joyous in the house. 

The Mocktail Mom

The mocktail mom has a colorful character and is always fun to be around. She’s not interested in alcohol but loves all kinds of colorful beverages. She’ll happily dedicate a whole afternoon to preparing a few vibrant drinks, everyone in the family can enjoy. 

She’s a good advisor and always happy to share stories of her interesting and adventurous past. 

Which type of mom are you? We think every mom is actually all of them. She’s calm and organized, adventurous and funny, and always taking good care of her family.

Moms are awesome! They’re confident, beautiful, caring, accomplished and so much more. They can be any type of mom or all types of mom at the same time and we appreciate them every day, not only on Mother’s Day! 



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