Still vs. Sparkling Water: Making a Case for Each

Still vs. Sparkling Water: Making a Case for Each

There seems to be two camps when it comes to the state of our water: some people are staunchly in the still water camp, and others are in the sparkling water camp. Some do cross over for variety occasionally, and both have their good points. Which camp are you in?

Today we will make the case for each option: still and sparkling. From plain water to the bubbly version, both types tickle the taste buds and satisfy thirst differently. The one you choose will depend a lot on your diet, lifestyle, and personal preferences.

A Vote for Still Water

First, let’s look at still water. A classic choice for many, plain spring water is just that – plain. There are no bubbles but many people like that it has no bubbles. They don’t want that gassy or bloated feeling while getting hydrated. Still water remains the most common beverage in the world, originating from natural sources.

Still water is so named because it has no bubbles. Many health-conscious consumers, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts prefer it this way. Others find still water boring due to the lack of fizzy taste, so they go for flavored versions.

Mineral water, spring water, distilled, flavored or demineralized are all popular forms of water. In the case of sparkling water, carbonation boosts the pH level of the water a bit, making it slightly more acidic. That acidity could slowly wear down teeth enamel, making them more sensitive.

Still water that comes from bottles or taps has been purified to remove contaminants like parasites, viruses, bacteria, heavy metals and fungi.

Although Sparkling Water Has Its Merits!

Next up is sparkling water, which can include club soda, soda water, and seltzer water, along with their flavored cousins. You may wonder what makes sparkling water so bubbly. Sparkling water is plain water infused with carbon dioxide gas under pressure. This carbonation gives the water some kick. Many people want the sensation of soda but don’t want to consume sugar and calories.

Sparkling water also hydrates you, just like still water can, but some contain added artificial sweeteners or sugars that increase calories. Many people like sparkling water because it helps aid in digestion. In fact, research reveals that sparkling water not only helps with digestion, but it also relieves indigestion and constipation. But the bubbles in sparkling water can also have the reverse effect in people, causing bloating and gas.

The difference between still water and sparkling water remains a matter of personal preference and taste. The jury is still out: what do you like?

We Have You Covered with Both Still and Sparkling Waters at Beverage Universe

What’s your go-to water? Whether it’s still or sparkling, come to Beverage Universe for anything from Sant Aniol sparkling natural mineral water to Icelandic Glacial spring water. Give us a call today with any questions.

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