O.Vine: Wine Essence Water

O.Vine: Wine Essence Water

Flavored water is a great change to your everyday water intake, but if you think Fruit2O is delicious, wait until you try O.Vine. O.Vine, featured on Good Morning America, is the brand new wine-flavored water that is infused with leftover grape skin and seeds that go to waste during the wine-making process. You get the same antioxidants and wine taste, minus the alcohol content! Here are some reasons why O.Vine should be in your refrigerator today.


The main reason why people buy flavored water is for the flavor! Plain water is refreshing and great for you, but sometimes it can get old. O.Vine is a completely different change from your regular flavored water because it actually tastes like wine! There are currently two types you can buy, white wine and red wine, in both still and sparkling versions. Grab a glass and enjoy the dry, light, crisp flavor of O.Vine, today.


Whether you’re not into alcohol or have been named the designated driver, O.Vine is the perfect drink for you. You can now enjoy as many glasses as you want without having to worry about a hangover or having to call an Uber. Sit back, relax, and sip your new regret-free wine. 


Summer is in full force and although a cold beer sounds great at a BBQ, it can cause you to feel bloated. Avoid the bloat and go with a low calorie, light, refreshing taste of O.Vine! The sparkling element is especially refreshing if you’re under the hot sun at a party, on the beach, or hanging out around the fire at a campsite. 


Drinking O.Vine by itself is delicious, but there are many ways you can incorporate it into a mixed drink! For example, you can now make white or red non-alcoholic sangria, strawberry wine punch, red wine spritzer, and more! Stay tuned for a blog about these recipes and more!

If you’re ready to dive into the delicious taste, aroma, color, and antioxidants that exudes wine without the alcohol, you can buy it at www.beverageunivers.com! In addition to the two sparkling flavors, O.Vine also makes non-sparkling red and white water. O.Vine was named the winner for Best New Water Concept at the 2018 GLobal Bottled Water Awards in Evian France. If O.Vine won an award, it’ll win you over for sure. Grab your pack of O.Vine and any other beverages, today.

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