How Much Water Do You Really Need?

How Much Water Do You Really Need?

We all know we need water, and most of us can agree that we probably aren’t getting enough water in our daily diets. But few know how to determine how much water they should be drinking because hydration is best tackled on a person-by-person basis.

How to Determine How Much Water You Should Drink

There are a few factors to consider when determining how much water you need to drink, including your weight, activity levels and health. You’ve probably heard that you should be drinking about eight eight-ounce glasses of water per day.

While this may be adequate for some people, though, it’s popular because it’s easy to remember — not because it’s accurate.

How Much Water Should I Be Drinking Based on My Weight?

A 200-pound person needs more water in their diet than a 100-pound person, which is why you shouldn’t rely too heavily on the eight eight-ounce glasses theory.

Instead, take your weight and multiply it by 2/3. This is the number of ounces of water you should be drinking per day. That means that if you’re 100 pounds and are only drinking five eight-ounces glasses of water per day, or 40 ounces, you probably aren’t as hydrated as you should be.

Should I Be Drinking More Water on Days I’m More Active?

On days you work out, you should be drinking more water. Remember that working out doesn’t have to mean you’re in the gym pumping iron. If you’re expending enough energy to get sweaty, you’re expending enough sweat to need additional hydration.

As a general rule, you should be drinking about six additional ounces of water per 15 minutes of exercise/activity. That means if you work out for an hour, you should drink an additional 24 ounces of water that day to keep your hydration levels balanced.

Is It True I Should I Be Drinking More Water When I’m Sick?

The amount of water you should be drinking while sick is entirely based on the type of sickness you have. If you have a fever or are suffering from a gastrointestinal illness, it is likely you are losing fluids. You’ll need to drink more water to help replenish them.

If you have congestive heart failure, kidney, liver or adrenal diseases, you may need to limit your fluid intake as these conditions can impair the excretion of water. When in doubt, it’s always best to contact your personal healthcare physician before you alter your daily regimen.

Easy Ways to Meet Your Water Intake Goals

If you have trouble drinking enough water throughout the day, here are a few simple things you can do to make sure you’re meeting your water intake goals:

  1. Drink a glass first thing in the morning
  2. Drink a glass with each meal
  3. Take a water bottle with you everywhere
  4. Add more fruits to your diet
  5. Skip the coffee and soda

Remember that although everybody is different, we all need to hydrate our bodies properly to ensure efficiency and good health.

If you need water or some other tasty options to keep yourself hydrated, check out Beverage Universe today!

Mineral Water is also a great option to help you feel better

Check out our blog on the Top 5 best waters to drink

From Poland Spring to Liquid Death Mountain Water, Beverage Universe has every water brand that you would want.  If you don't see a brand that you would like to order, let us know and we can try and get it!

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