7 Easy Tips to Stay Hydrated Throughout the Day

7 Easy Tips to Stay Hydrated Throughout the Day

7 Easy Tips to Stay Hydrated Throughout the Day

Creating solid hydration habits is essential for your well-being. Staying hydrated is not a fancy whim but an essential requirement towards maintaining a positive mood, increasing your brain function, and enjoying a good night’s sleep. 

Water cleanses your body from toxins and even helps you lose weight. Don’t underestimate the power of hydration, take good care of your body and mind, and enjoy a healthy lifestyle by following these simple tips to keep your daily water intake in check. 

Assess How Much Water Your Body Needs daily

About 60% of our bodies are made of water. To maintain a healthy balance we should strive to keep this ratio constant. 

Depending on your gender and personal body type your daily water intake may vary. You should strive to monitor what is your optimum daily water intake and stick to it on a daily basis. 

It would be useful to know that according to the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine an average water intake per day would be:

  • 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) for women;
  • 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) for men;

Nevertheless, keep in mind that those are just general recommendations. You still need to assess your body’s unique needs as it comes to water intake.

Know the Symptoms of Dehydration 

How can you be aware of your water intake needs? Keep an eye out for symptoms of dehydration, of course, it’s easy. 

Do you feel tired, dizzy, or lightheaded? Do you feel your mouth, lips, or eyes dry? Is your skin dry or cold? These are all signs of dehydration. And, of course, the obvious ones would be feeling thirsty and rarely visiting the restroom. 

In certain cases, insufficient water intake could give you headaches or even muscle cramps. Do you really need to go through all this instead of having a couple of more glasses a day?

Start Your Day With A Glass of Water

Rehydrate after a long night’s sleep.  Energize your body, get rid of the accumulated toxins, and take good care of your digestive system. 

You don’t need to wait till you feel thirsty. Drink water before you take on your morning exercises and your body will feel more eager to complete a hard workout.

Carry a Water Bottle with You

Prepare a bottle of your favorite water to take with you when you head out in the morning. You can also get a refillable water bottle so that you can keep it around throughout the whole day. 

Staying hydrated is much easier when you have your water bottle at hand. We tend to neglect our basic physical needs like drinking enough water when we have a lot of work to go through, but having water at an arm’s length makes it easier to follow up on our optimum daily intake. 

Take Water Breaks

Often we stare at the computers at work, forgetting to rest our eyes or to maintain a good posture while typing on the keyboard. 

Well, taking a minute to have a glass of water could be a good distraction for you. A short break will offer you the opportunity to stand up and stretch. It could really prove to be a healthy routine. Having a short water break could provide you with the energy to focus and be more productive as well as staying well-hydrated. 

Restore Water With Food

Make sure to eat more fruits and vegetables. They’ll help you catch up on your daily water intake. 

Drinking tap or natural mineral water is not the only way to stay hydrated. Think of watermelon, peaches, strawberries, and cantaloupes; veggies like spinach, bell peppers, and cucumbers - they are all composed of a lot of water.  Consume them regularly and you’ll help your body keep its water balance in check. 

Flavor Your Water

Add lemon slices or strawberries to your water to add natural flavor to it. Be creative, you can add frozen blueberries to it instead of ice cubes. You could go for a variety of  tempting water alternatives like a bottle of carbonated water, or a grapefruit twist with a flavored water from your favorite water brand. 

Staying hydrated will get you one step closer to maintaining a healthy life. Having healthy bones, a sharp mind, and energized body is a good bargain at the price of a glass of water, right? Try to keep up with the easy steps we’ve shared with you above and improve the quality of your life for good. And, as always, visit beverageuniverse.com to get all the drinks you need to keep you healthy and hydrated.  

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